mardi 23 février 2016

Rock to Forum Fun

Hello to my new friends in the forum world! My name Randi Hodges, a natural stone engraver with 17 years of experience in the world of natural stone engraving. I sold the business 3 years ago to two of the gals that worked for me. They are happily running the business under the same name NW Stone Wise. I sold the business because

A.) It was being passed on to enthusiastic and capable hands
B.) I was worn out. I am 5'2" small in stature and arms like Popeye. I selected, sandblasted, processed, shipped and delivered, quite literally, hundreds of TONS of natural stone. Pooped, indeed
C.) In 2001, I wrote a simple manual that explained our process. This was a overview in black and white, comb bound and printed off at our local printer. We put the manual on our stone web site and with no promotion, sold a lot of them.
D.) This being said, I have spend the last 3 years resting, getting flabby, and re-writing the manual. A downloadable version (that can be printed), I collaborated with a sandblast industry supplier. The book includes 11 you tube videos that show a process. As the tension mounts, a year behind schedule, we are about to LAUNCH the first-ever comprehensive manual for "The Art, Process and Technique of Natural Stone Engraving".

I know nothing about publishing and what exactly what comes next, but the book is written, then I trust the next indicated step will appear. Well, that is what I have been up to and I guess this is a good an introduction as any. Would love to hear your thoughts from you, good, bad or indifferent as I take this leap of faith. Nice meeting you all and thanks so much for reading this! Blessings, Randi

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