mardi 17 mai 2016

Google launches Google Spaces

From the official Google Blog:

Group sharing isn’t easy. From book clubs to house hunts to weekend trips and more, getting friends into the same app can be challenging. Sharing things typically involves hopping between apps to copy and paste links. Group conversations often don’t stay on topic, and things get lost in endless threads that you can’t easily get back to when you need them. We wanted to build a better group sharing experience, so we made a new app called Spaces that lets people get people together instantly to share around any topic. With Spaces, it’s simple to find and share articles, videos and images without leaving the app, since Google Search, YouTube, and Chrome come built in.

I have to admit I'm not seeing the big benefit or the differences between this and Hangouts, Collections, Groups, and G+ Pages but I guess I'll check it out.
The thing that really bothers me is that Google keeps lurching from one social/share idea to the next...never really committing or improving any of them, and then one day they can just abandon it.

Does anyone see any real benefit or usage ideas that come to mind with the new Google group, social, sharry thingy?

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