vendredi 13 mai 2016

What's your writing voice?

Writing theory says that, like your physical voice when you speak, everyone who writes has a distinctive writing voice. Maybe you use certain words more often, or you're a fan of run on sentences and commas. Maybe you like short, declarative sentences and use little description. Whatever your particular quirks, the theory is that the little quirks will give you away and identify the work as yours. Having these quirks can also be an issue if you're writing for a particular piece or market or reason and the writing needs to be in a style that conflicts with yours.

If you're aware of them, what are your writing quirks? For me, I know one of the biggest is that I like long sentences with lots of commas. One of the things I always do when I edit a first draft is to go back and change some of the longer sentences to shorter, more declarative sentences when it's warranted and doesn't interfere with the flow of the piece. What do you guys do when you write?

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