mercredi 25 mai 2016

WTF is up with Sitelock?

Does anyone here use Sitelock? If so I'd love to hear your experiences with them.

First let me say that there seems to be a growing number of web hosts that have just completely given up on even basic security and send everyone over to Sitelock to pay for their services. Go Daddy, Network Solutions, Hostgator are the ones that I've seen lately.

In my experience it's a nightmare. Never have I seen so many issues as with the few clients that I have who have Sitelock.

Seems like every other day it's reporting malware and threatening to remove their sites if it's not taken care of immediately. Here's the thing though:

The malware reports are always vague, and don't give any indication or direction of what they found and where.
Also, they offer like 70 different types of services and you have to upgrade a few tiers to get the service that supposedly scans and repairs.
But even then, some other malware seems to mysteriously pop up that requires you to get the full "Maintenance package".

I've talked to these people many times and each time I ask "Where is this malware that you say exists?" I never get a straight answer, just an offer to upgrade.

Yesterday I asked a Sitelock tech about the constant alerts and asked does ( the host) provide any kind of server security at all. His answer was "Yes they have security for themselves. Not for you". (Seriously? WTF? )

The few times I was able to actually see a bad file, they were really simple. Not malicious enough to do any harm, just enough to give off a bad reading.
Furthermore, the placement of these "bad files" are not in the usual places. I deal with a lot of hacked or infected websites and have seen some bad ones over the years. This is not that. It's single files in closed permission folders inside the WordPress core.

This is even happening on new WordPress installations with no themes, additional files or plug ins. Bare bones. I KNOW for a fact that WordPress isn't that weak and vulnerable.

I'm not making accusations, but they appear to be either planted, Sitelock is completely unable to prevent anything at all, or Sitelock is the problem.

I say this because NONE of my other clients without Sitelock have these constant alerts that something is wrong with their site with constant calls to upgrade with the promise of preventing future alerts.

With one client in particular, I am positive that they re not being hacked every other day and just one file is being placed on the installation.
No hosting is that weak.

I don't know what's going on with these people, but something is NOT right.

Anyone else have any experience with them?

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