mercredi 11 mai 2016

How do "Top 10" lists affect marketing?

Hi everyone!
If I didn't choose the right forum section - sorry!
I'm new here and I need an advice. I'm gathering people's opinions.

Right now there's a thought on my mind.
I'm starting my own e-shop, selling female clothes. And I'm trying to find new ways to attract audience.
I often see articles with "Top 10" lists and they put some goods on the top, and some goods on the bottom of those lists.

What if I start posting my own "Top 10" articles on my website about different types of textile for hot summer with links on my shop? Would you buy from me if I would give you this kind of information?
I will appreciate any opinion!
I didn't leave a link to my web-site so you couldn't call it advertisment, but if you are interested - I will post it :)

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