vendredi 11 novembre 2016

100 email list challenge

Hello SBF fellows,

I'm from Paris, English is not my first language so please bear with me :)

I am Sylvestre, a freelance web developer who's been reading a lot of inspiring books in the past few months. Long story short, one of the books recommended to listen to podcasts for learning new languages... which I did for learning mandarin.

But then I came across Smart Passive Income (SPI) while I browsed for more podcasts, it's been there for a while (since 2008) but I only discovered it last week. I'm sure many of you have heard of Pat Flynn, that guy got me addicted to his contents... I subscribed to his newsletter, follow him on Twitter, liked his Facebook page and joined his private Facebook group, all that within a day. I'm not here to promote SPI, just wanted to say how pumped up I am.

Now, let's get to the point: SPI started a challenge 24 hours ago which consists in building up a 100 email list in 72 hours. I have 48 hours left and I got 0 email in my list for the moment. It's time to take action!

While I worked for my clients (I'm a web developer remember ?), I noticed that I was doing the same thing over and over again in the beginning stage of the project:
- sign NDA (client rarely has one ready at that point)
- wait for his technical specifications (poorly written most of the time)
- setup a domain name
- setup a web server
- setup SSL
- install my favorite PHP framework on the web server
- more configuration on the web server
- create a bitbucket account
and the list goes on.

Days that I spend doing those tasks are actually charged because after all, I trade my time for money. The client also spends a lot of time figuring how to write an NDA, a tech spec document. I can imagine how difficult it is for a non tech person to look for a freelancer when he doesn't even know much about IT web technologies.

That's how I got the idea to create a turnkey package service that we could deliver in a day. Basically, after market validation, the next step is to actually create the online product right? That's where my service kicks in.

Now, if you think that the idea is sustainable and if you are interested in knowing more about my future service, please join my newsletter here:

My goal is to validate my own market and see what your struggles and needs are so I can offer a better service to everyone.

If you are not interested in my project, please just let me know why, that will also help me improve.

I will keep you updated on the number of emails I collect from SBF.
Talk to you guys soon!

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