mercredi 16 novembre 2016

If i were looking for a business to start.

I have seen a number of posts from people who want to start a business but don't have any idea what kind of business to do. It seems to me that the real key to success is to find a niche with demand, high profits and little competition and most of those are things people would never think of. The thing I do is an example of something few do. There are around 7 firms in the USA that do what I do for the main part of my business. Finding those things are the tough part.

Instead people open a coffee shop, a pizza joint or become web designers. I won't knock those fields, if someone has talent and gets established with a great product they can be good businesses.

If I wanted to start a business and didn't mind getting dirty I would get into the business of HydroJetting. I did say that the best businesses were things no one would think of and I will bet most people don't even know what hydro jetting is. Basically it is a premium way of unclogging drain lines and sewers. They use a very powerful high pressure washer coupled to a remote controlled hose that shoots one stream of water forward and several backwards and will break through clogged drains that a snake can't do.

We just had it done to our drains for the second time. There are only two people in our area that do it. One is backed up 3 weeks. The other charges $ 675.00. His cost is going to be about 20 bucks, mostly for gas driving to the job. It takes about 20 minutes. The guy who did ours said he did 65 jobs last week and 24 so far this week. Well for simple math lets say he did 50 jobs at $ 500.00 each, that is $ 25,000.00 and a cost of maybe $ 1,000. I don't think there are too many coffee shops, pizza places or web designers that generate that kind of profit. I know I don't make that.

I just thought I would post this as some kind of business someone could think about that isn't real common or real competitive. Maybe someday it will help someone.

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