mardi 29 novembre 2016

New to this forum!

Hello, everyone!

My name is Kevin Ahn from Good, LLC.

Joined this thread to learn and connect with fellow entrepreneurs out there!

Good, LLC is an All-In-One Digital Solution company, that brings digital presence to small/local business owners.

I know I know... there are a lot of "digital agencies" and "freelancers" who builds websites and gets the job done.

But we're different from them all!
We believe in delivering true value.
We believe a website is just the core of the online presence.
We believe in bringing business for our clients.

We connect the business owners with online platforms to ensure they're found with the correct data.
We build a professional website that outline their value as a business.
Best of all, we bring business directly to their doors.

My partner and I founded Good, LLC. to genuinely support the small businesses.

I would love to get to know the community!

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