lundi 7 novembre 2016

Possibly unanswerable question: inventory risk vs high quality photos

Sorry for the silly-sounding thread title, but there is a character count limit there. What I would like everyone's opinions on is whether it might be worth taking the inventory risk just to build a library of high resolution photos for my online-only shop. I sell a mixture of drop-shipped products and in-house inventory. Because I'm self-funded, I'm running the shop from my home, so space for inventory is extremely limited. I also don't want to carry too much inventory risk. But I have a big problem with the drop-shipped merchandise: distributors provide crappy photos of the product. They are either low resolution or small size or they only provide one photo so you don't get to see all the features. They also don't provide different photos showing the product being used by different people (or in my case, pets). For example, if a product can be used by either dogs or cats, it's ideal to have photos showing both.

Distributors also are still very focused on selling wholesale to brick and mortar stores, so if they include a product description, it's usually bare bones and shitty quality copy. I understand that they don't need to provide quality photography and copy to B&M stores, so they don't... even for drop-shipping. So I need to write my own copy (and already have in some cases).

I asked a distributor once about getting better photos and the answer was a polite version of "too bad, so sad". So in order for my shop to look professional and to actually sell things, I need to build my own library of product photos and descriptions. Which means buying one of each thing. And then storing it until I can sell it. I'm new at this and can't yet tell how long it will take to sell things. But really, I don't want to fill my home with merchandise.


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