samedi 5 novembre 2016

OK, so I was wrong to dismiss Samsung

I've been saying "Samsung is dead to me" since they killed the expandable memory and replaceable battery on the Note line. Until recently I had a Note 4 and figured I'd keep it until they pried it from my cold dead hands.

Then the Note 7 fiasco happened, plus the ever increasing price of the phones, and I figured that was it for me. I'm done with Samsung.

Then I lost my Note 4 and the insurance company was out of Note 4's, so they sent me a brand new Note 5.

I won't bore you with the specs, but it's pretty good. First of all 4G RAM is spectacular. Samsung pay is far superior to Android Pay. They've made nice improvements to the S Pen, finger print reader, security, reduced the crap and improved the things that are actually useful.

Yeah you lose expandable memory, and replaceable battery and that was a big deal to me. When my Note 4 was acting up (after 2 years), a new battery fixed the issue. Hate not having that option anymore.

Not sure I would have paid $800 for it since I don't ever want to pay $800 for a phone ever again, but I have to admit that it is a very, very nice phone with many useful features and I need to stop bad mouthing Samsung.

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