mercredi 9 novembre 2016

Finding Work As A Copywriter/Freelance Writer

I am somewhat new to learning about SEO, content marketing, and website coding (don't know HTML much at all). However, I am able to produce quality content that can be used online or offline. Unfortunately, I simply haven't been able to find much work in the field other than a job that offers terrible pay comparable to working at a fast food joint. I have looked quite a bit for other opportunities but to no avail. I'm sure there are plenty out there, but I have been completely unable to find them :(

My experiences with finding other work have been the following attempts:

-I worked for a website called iWriter for a single day until they blocked me arbitrarily. Later, I realized it was a scam. While I did not fall for the worst parts of it, I did write a couple of things for them and did not receive any payment.

-I worked for a website called Triond, but it was quite brief. I realized that they were hardly paying me anything. I only made around 75 cents from the multiple pieces that I had written. If that isn't bad enough, there were pop-up scam artists on some of the pages that they sent their content to. One of the con artists appeared to be a hacker attempting to trick people into punching in a remote access code!

-I have begun to design my own website, but it is in it's early stages. I will continue to work on designing it, but I am somewhat unfamiliar with how to effectively employ SEO strategies for my site. Of course, once it's up and running, there is the possibility that I could do something with it.

-I applied to several other places online, but my application was rejected.

Recently, I have discovered a legitimate appearing job board on a website called ProBlogger. On this website, there appears to be businesses that are seeking copywriting services. Some of the jobs would definitely interest me, and I would enjoy working for them. However, I'm uncertain as to whether ProBlogger is a legitimate organization. It appears that many online organizations aren't legitimate, and I don't want to get mixed up with any scams. Assuming this is not a scam, what can I expect from using this service to find work? For other copywriters, what resources do you recommend to find employment? I'm assuming that there are probably numerous places to seek employment as a copywriter online. I simply do not know where to look.

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