dimanche 6 novembre 2016

Edible Insect Business- Is it viable?

Hi. I am thinking of starting up a business based around a local insect here called Oecophylla smaragdina, that I think has massive potential to be a versatile food product in the developing markets of Asia.

Research shows it has the potential to be a very profitable product, needing less water, food and room to farm than traditional agriculture.

It is also popular in China and India as a traditional medicine, so already has a good reputation that is just waiting to be capitalized on. It was used to flavour water a lemon lime flavor by the Aborigines here in Australia. And there are health food stores here that sell another unrelated black ant as a tea. So I was thinking of marketing this ant as a tea in China and India, along with a chutney.

What do you think? Could this work or am I wasting my time? Everyone around me is so corrosively skeptical about this, but I think it could work as it has research to back it up.

I'm currently trying to sell the domains on the off chance someone else might be interested in it and has the capital to invest. Otherwise I will try doing it myself, but without the capital or someone to help me can't see this progressing beyond the idea phase.

I've contacted local business people here in Australia, millionaires I saw on the shark tank show, and they all dismissed me. I don't get it. With China consuming 1 billion cups of tea per day, along with India consuming another 1 billion, you have a market of 2 billion cups of tea PER DAY you could try and get in on, and to be profitable you would only have to reach 0.5% of the market. It's crazy I am reduced to trying to sell the domains for this ant like this. I'm unemployed and selling the domains is my last lifeline as without any support, and with the Australian government being so anal on the export of Australian native animal products, your more likely to have success if you set this up in a place like Myanmar, where you are close to India and China and can get labor easily and where your not restricted by all the red and green tape we in the West are.

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