lundi 7 novembre 2016

Hello from a new entrepeneur in Virginia!

I launched an online pet supply shop this year (Feb 2016) and it's been a fun learning experience. I have a full time corporate day job, which is good and bad. It's good because I don't have as much pressure to succeed (or rather, succeed asap) with the shop. Bad because I'm already finding that I'd rather spend more time working on my shop than on the day job. I'm mid-50's, so already in the area where companies are disinclined to hire me (agism is real), and married to a lovely man who also has a full time well-paying career. Which makes the online shop a bit of a hobby at this point, but I'm taking it seriously enough to be learning as much as possible. My ultimate goal is to grow the shop enough to replace my day job salary and then I can quit the day job.

My corporate career was a blessing in that it exposed me to many different aspects of business: IT, accounting, customer service, manufacturing and distribution, retail, food service, and local government. That exposure has really helped me with the business tasks required to launch the shop. I am seeing that my weakness is in the areas of marketing and merchandising, so those are my educational focus at the moment.

Hi everyone! I plan to be asking lots of questions here over time.

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