mardi 11 février 2014

DIMY- Do It Myself Website...

Hello and Greetings,

Long story-short, I established an LLC about 7 months ago and have been operating my automotive detailing business without a website.

Originally, I opted to pay a friend of a friend, the sum of $450, for a template-website (including domain, email, hosting).

That has since fell through.

So, now I have to take on the challenge of creating my own website.

To that point, I have been researching and reading on various internet marketing websites to get some sort of idea on the task.

However, I don't understand the basic language the respondents and reviewer's use, so I can't even comprehend the feedback I get.

I'm horribly handicapped when it comes to the internet and its workings.

So far, my research is leading me to... BUT it doesn't provide personal email service and from what I have read and the 'blog' page(s) do not seem to help with SEO.

I'm really lost right now... my searches keep yielding higher-level stuff targeted toward 'web developers' and I'm definitely not one of them.

I need a flexible platform that provides domain, email, hosting, templates, good mobile viewing, analytics, and options for email marketing etc...

Is there such a provider for my needs? (I think WordPress would fit the bill... but everything I have read is steering me away from it.)

Best regards,


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