mardi 11 février 2014

Should I be packaging?

So I've been selling quite a few items through etsy and local shops. I've been contacting major online retailers trying to get a wholesale order under way. I've been thinking about packaging my products, but I'm just not sure what would be the best option for my products. Each piece is handmade and one of a kind, but falls under a certain size I try to follow. Currently I just walk into a shop with my organizing case, and managers just pick through the selection with no packaging, and online sales are all bubblewrapped before shipment.

This is the main product I'm trying to market. I like the idea of a small clear plastic box with some cotton padding, almost like you would package a gemstone (my mother is a jeweler) But I don't feel it would be the most cost effective. Would a small plastic baggie with item details on a card be acceptable, or way too cheap? These retail for $11 and shooting for a $5.50 wholesale price. This is a patented and trademarked product, so I'd like to scale it up relatively large.


I would also love some feedback in any and all areas of operating a small business. Here is my etsy shop if you would like to check it out and give me some feedback

and my website

Earth Grown Accessories exotic wood creations for smoking and other purposes

Thanks everybody!

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