lundi 20 octobre 2014

Im young, yet interested in business...HELP!!!

Ok so Im going to start this out by saying I am 15 years old. I am interested in starting a business soon, very soon with the soul purpose in buying a lamborghini murcielago, or a nissan GTR. Both being very expensive cars, trust me, i am not getting ahead of myself. I dont want them to be a steriotypical attention whore, or wreckless driver with it either in any way, just for pure fun, and accomplishing my dream of having a sportscar, since I was 7 years old.

With that being said, Ive tried many different ways of making money in the past. Here are a few

App making: has made me about 155 dollars over the course of half a year.

Iphone case selling: made me 0 dollars

Lawn mowing: Most work, yet most profitable. made me 1200 for one summer.

that is just some. My question being, does anyone have any ideas for a business that I can keep working at, and I know that someday, it might be my primary source of money? I am up to try anything, as I dream EVERY SINGLE NIGHT on sports cars. That being said a job or business that has something to do with cars might be a plus. I have heard of some of the success stories coming from starting their own business. Someday I want that to be me. Now I know what your thinking exactly, This little kid knows nothing about what comes with life and the costs of life. Believe it or not I do. There is a guy on youtube named Rob Dahm, he does a great job of telling his story on how he purchased and came to afford his 150,000 dollar Lamborghini Diablo. Any suggestions on business ideas will be taken into consideration. I have a close friend, who is in the same boat as me, cars and everything. We want to start business alone (he doesnt like sharing money) but thats beside the point. I want you to while reading this, dont think of me as a high school student, but as an adult.

The whole though of business is great, making money, accomplishing your dreams, the whole bit. But for me, sometimes, its not the greatest thing in the world. The more and more i think about it, the more and more I think I am going to fail. This has lead to slight depression throughout my high school years. My uncle, has my dream car, the nissan GTR. He works as a honda mechanic, yet has a 90,000 dollar car, and a 750,000 house. Im not sure how he does it, but im sure theres some sort of trick.

Like I said, any reply is greatly appreciated and will be taken into consideration. I would like this sort of madness to stop, and be able to get a grip on starting a business, and making some money to put towards my dream car.



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