samedi 15 novembre 2014

Who's in charge? You, or the Customer?


"Who ever said the customer is always right, never met the customer"- Mozzy, White Collar.

We've all come across the customer that wants to be in completely control and change the way you do business for them and them alone.

They're the ones that want to dictate everything from how you're going to accept payment, to the time that a project lasts based on their day to day schedule and whims.

We've all been there and I think we can all agree that these are nightmare people to deal with.

My question is, how do you handle this type of customer?

I generally choose between 2 options:

1. Don't take them as clients in the first place, and send them on their way (The Most Popular Option).

2. Charge them more than everyone else for pain, suffering and the extra time and attention that they are going to demand.

Don't get me wrong, the customer is paying and deserves good service. But some people are bad customers and treat people as if they are on their payroll.

How do you deal with them?

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