jeudi 5 mars 2015

A proper hello all!

Hello to the community,

First I would like to say congratulations to all here. No matter whether you are a start-up business, conceptual moving towards realized, or established and growing, it is a rare few that have the will to push forward in their ambitions.

My name is John. I have recently launched a new business and sales consulting business, this launch has been roughly ten years in the making. Years ago I acknowledged I had a particular gift for analyzing opportunities, seeing the possibilities (both positive and detrimental), identifying patterns, and coaching others. I took a meeting with a potential client and discovered that while I had the skills for the trade, I lacked the experience and knowledge. I declined the job and decided I would not pursue the profession again until such time that I truly believed I had the proper capabilities.

Like many entrepreneurs before me, I started multiple endeavors, made many mistakes, and tool that knowledge with me to my next project. I spent the last ten years studying the art of the sale, so that I could teach others to better represent themselves and their companies. I took those skills and applied them to client retention and problem resolution.

In truth, I forgot about my desire to consult over time, worked feverishly to excel in any endeavor, work, or new industry I accepted work within. I helped many small businesses survive their first year of launch, acting almost like a partner, but never accepted as one. I guess I had to learn that if you offer your skills so easily, others will take them for granted just as easily. Not being properly recognized by my "bosses" for my talents and capabilities, never stopped me from earning the respect of my peers. It ended up being one of the best lessons I could have stumbled upon. I discovered what it meant to to value myself and others, at all levels of business.

Flash forward to the present: Today I hold a respectful position within an industry I had no real previous knowledge of. I have aided in the development of every department the company now holds. My team respects me, my clients trust me, and our partners act with me. I never realized I had accomplished my goals from ten years passed until my wife asked the question: "Why don't you consult?" The more I thought about her question the more I began to review the work I had done over the years, even currently, and realized that I have been consulting. I had been consulting for some time now, and it was time I picked up the torch I set down a decade ago,

I do not know how many of you share a similar past, but I hope that we all share a similar future!

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