mardi 10 mars 2015

Financial plan for an App

Hi guys,

I am a new member. I'm studying International Business and I currently need you help. I'm attending a course about Business Planning and our aim is to get an innovative idea for an App and develop its business plan. We don't really have to create the App, it is more like a simulation. We already have the idea but is there anyone here who can help us with the financials? Or do you already have some old business plans (or only financial plans) of other Apps, so that we can have an idea about the development of the financial part? You know, we are just students and that is the motto difficult part. I would like to say that it is just a university homework, nothing serious, it means that your help/suggestions/business plans are not going to leave the room of our faculty, they are not even going to be heard by others but our professor.

thank you very much

Maria P.

Ps: if you want to help us and know more about the App idea, I will give you my Email/Facebook account

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