jeudi 5 mars 2015

Online Meal Kit Delivery SErvice

So glad to have found this forum. I need everyones input and appreciate your time. We are in the process of launching this business in a big town, in which it is not present yet. If you haven't heard from it yet, it is a service, which delivers all the ingredients to your doorstep so You can cook your own meal in a shor t amount of time. Please check: Order your delicious food box now | HelloFresh and for examples, also there are few others like and Anyway, yo get the idea.

We are a group of passionate and cooks and recipe development is not an issue. We are in the process of launching or advertising campaigns including many channels.

But where we are stuck at the moment is, the shipping part. Obviously the big companies to UPS and Fedex and do ship at least 3 meals at once to cover up the shipping cost, but they are obviously getting a discount by selling and shipping thousands of meals. The items need to be shipped with dry ice etc.

What are ways of shipping perishable food besides ups and fedex? The city we are going to do it in is huge. How do we control the areas? any input is appreciated on this part.

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