dimanche 17 mai 2015

Been so long, I feel like I'm new

I haven't had much time to check threads other than to see many of those I remember are still active -and some new people too. Life (as always) has been a learning journey and I'm once again back to reconnect and let you all know what I'm working towards now.

First off, I have an amazing day job in which I get to do exactly what I always wanted to be doing - helping new business start ups with planning, marketing and getting off on the right foot - and I can get them help with financing too (if they have a solid idea and do the business planning and projections well enough to convince the board). And I get to promote local shopping too. I started a vlog with a puppet delivering community events information and interviewing local business owners. It's an absolute blast and feels like a dream come true. It's an independent non-profit funded through a federal government program to support rural small business and economic diversification.

Then there's the online business part of things. I've been working to establish a site of my own at patrysha.com - much of it has been put on the backburner while I worked on getting the systems set up at my day job, but now I'm ready to build the content and start working towards my vision. Exciting times ahead I'm sure.

So what is everyone else up to?

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