jeudi 28 mai 2015

[Question] How to get small business owners on the phone?

Hi all,

I want to start a software company. I am a software developer myself and have helped several friends and family members with setting up websites, mobile applications, and the like. I specialize in automation and back-end development.

I would like to be able to use my skills to help small business owners. The problem I am having is finding a way to contact them and explain what I am trying to do. I have been reading a ton about "cold calling" -- but I am not trying to sell anything. I am wanting to talk to owners and see what problems they are having in their business and if there is a way we can automate it or make it easier. If there is a problem we can automate, and it makes sense to do so, then we can work out the compensation. But I don't want to try to sell something that isn't going to provide a TON of value or call them with a generic solution.

For example, if a business owner is having a problem with reporting that takes 1 hour a day to do, they work 6 days a week, and they value their time at $25 an hour. They are spending $600 a month with this theoretical problem. If I can automate the process for them, or knock it down to just spending 2 hours a week doing it, then they would save several hundred dollars a month.

Would this conversation be worthwhile? I would think so. Would it save small business owners time and money? I would think so.

So, as small business owners. What would be the best way to call / approach you guys for an interview about your business to specifically talk about things that you do not like to do or spend a lot of time doing? And do you think this would something that would be worthwhile to pursue?

Thanks for your feedback! :)

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