mardi 26 mai 2015

Texas Hammered By Rain

Last night was one of the worst storms I've seen in some time, I had been following the weather and knew we were going to get hit but had no idea it'd be as bad as it was. The water on my street has gone down quite a bit now but people not far from me are taking boats out to navigate through the neighborhood. Funny story from all of this, I woke this morning to find a car in my driveway. The driver was in it, turns out he had taken an alternate route home and hit the water on my street and his car stalled, he pushed it into my driveway and sat in there for 8 hours! I invited him in and gave him some food and drink, let him use my phone and he was able to finally drive off at 10. We haven't had anything this bad since Alison in 2001 and my heart goes out to those who lost vehicles and had severe damage to their homes, etc.

Houston 'hammered' by torrential rains, flooding -

Memorial Day Rain Turns Houston into Water World | Houston Press

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