mardi 19 mai 2015

Just started a business last year and need marketing advice please

I just started up a virtual staffing agency. I partner up with a company that gives me acces to over one hundred Fortune Five Hundred Companies to allow people to work from home. In return for my services I offer people I charge a flat rate of 49.99 every two weeks outside the fact they are hired as independent contractors so they have no taxes taken out. My competition charges a little more so I thought my price would drive people my direction but hasnt been going so well. I have had a good buzz going with word of mouth but it has since slowed down also and I have been having a hard time of driving people to my website also. My question is if I wanted to put together a good marketing campaign where should I start? I tried to market on social media and its not been going so well either. I feel I need to do everything over!!


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