mardi 19 mai 2015

Sleep Issues

Anyone here have sleep issues? When I was younger, I never thought of it, I'd easily get 8, sometimes 9 hours a night - now that I'm older, I'd give anything to sleep like a normal person again. In 2007, I realized I had sleep apnea when my live-in girlfriend noticed I would stop breathing. I was competing in powerlifting at the time and working nights which didn't help at all. It got to the point where I began waking-up within an hour or going to sleep and I'd do that continuously. This went on for a year and a half, once during that period did I sleep more than an hour consecutively and it nearly drove me crazy - I tried everything and nothing worked - melatonin, Unisom, xanax, ambien...everything - I'd just wake up as usual but just more drowsy or buzzed depending on what it was I had taken. I started sleepwalking and have several funny stories from that time, became narcoleptic, would develop chest pains by mid-week as I'd spend my days off in bed trying to catch-up on what sleep I could get. Money was beyond tight as she and I were renting a house and I was supporting she and her children. Eventually I got the money together and got a cpap machine which after several months really helped and I began sleeping for about three hours at a time. I finally got off of the night shift and that helped, within a year I was sleeping close to normal again, although I was using the cpap machine.

Fast-forward to the present and here I am awake at 2am... The past several weeks I've been sleeping bad again, nowhere near as bad as at my worst, but it is starting to take its toll on me as I've been really tired throughout the day and find myself reaching for the caffeinated drinks for a quick pick-me-up which I know doesn't help. I am going to see the doctor and see what paths we might take to help but I really don't want to get on any meds. I'm not exercising much at all and haven't been lately, I've been thinking about buying a bicycle and starting to ride a few times a week, that'll help get rid of a lot of this stress I've been dealing with and wear me out in a good way. Well, I better try to get some shut eye, my alarm will be going off before I know it and I've probably put whoever reads this to sleep, as well. lmao

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