mardi 2 février 2016

Is it just me, or is employment modern say slavery or indentured servitude?

I know that may seem extreme, inappropriate to say, outrageously presumed, or outright silly --but maybe it isn't. Business owners choose how long their employees will stay away from their families, what their pay will be, how far they'll be promoted within their company --if at all-- and the amount of time they'll be allowed to feed themselves --which always came off as embarrassing to me. With all of that being said, is employment similar to or a modern form of indentured servitude or slavery? Employees may think they have it good with certain jobs, but realistically --they may not or don't. Maybe they believe they're not a pawn on another persons business model/business vehicle, or don't understand the advantages business owners have over them --or maybe it's something else not mentioned.

If it's not indentured servitude or slavery, what is it? If it's indentured slavery or servitude, how is it? Is it due to all the things mentioned? Other things not mentioned? If so, what? A lot of employees are also astoundingly unquestioning, and due to having a belief of their lives being destined to be as mentioned --due to unchangeable life circumstances --they accept it openly.

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