vendredi 5 février 2016

Should I partner with my company I work for to get my new product off the ground?

Hi, I'm new to this forum and new to being an entrepreneur, and I need some help. A lot of help, but for now I will just ask one question.

MAIN QUESTION: Should I partner with the company I work for in order to get my company to sell products faster using their online store?


I just started a new company, my LLC was just registered, provisional patent filed, trademark filed, and I am still getting my product made through a manufacturer. I work full time repairing smartphones. The company I work for owns an online smartphone parts store. I made a magnetic repair guide mat that helps disassemble smartphones. I want to sell these to repair stores (have them be distributors of my product). The company I work for would love to sell these repair mats. Should I brand the mats with their names in the corner, or should I be independent and sell my mats myself through my website? What are the possible problems that could arise if I "partner" with them and use their store to make first sales of these mats once they are ready from the manufacturer?


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