lundi 2 janvier 2017

All in one web business - have I got it right?

I've just launched a new business with a competition to win a website package as a lifetime deal. It's still early days but I'm wondering if I've got the package I'm offering quite right or not? Response to the competition so far hasn't been as high as I thought it would be. My website is: and the package is shown on the homepage, I'll summarise here too:

  • WordPress Theme: A gorgeous WordPress website theme to suit you and your business objectives.
  • Domain Name: Your chosen domain name for your business, such as
  • Security: An SSL certificate to encrypt your website and show your visitors the green padlock icon & HTTPS URL.
  • Website Setup: We'll set your website up for you, add all your content and set up any technical features.
  • Business Email: Email to use through WebMail or your favourite email application.
  • Professional Images: Access to quality stock images to make your website stand out and show your professionalism.
  • Hosting: Fast and reliable hosting located in Chicago, London, Amsterdam or Singapore - 99.99%+ uptime.
  • 24/7 Support: Around the clock support for your website from friendly staff who are hosting experts.
  • Access to "The Vault": Our best guides, tutorials, videos and walk-throughs to take your business into the top 5%.

My standard list price is US$199 per month with no setup fees, but I'm planning on offering big lifetime discounts to the first group of customers through the mailing list I'm building from the competition.

I've worked in web design and marketing for almost 10 years now and although it's an extremely competitive market, I know there's a place for a company that provides all-in-one websites and business coaching for a fixed monthly fee, with no expensive setup costs. I'm just not 100% sure I've got the offer right. I would love some feedback please, if you take a look at my website, is this something that would interest you? If not, why not and what changes would make it interest you?

My approach is changing website design and business coaching from 1-to-1 to 1-to-many so it benefits my customers through better pricing and fast setup and me through not having to sell my time individually, also I'll have more free time to provide better videos and content to my customers which benefits everyone.

Finding the ideal price point is difficult and I'm not sure if I need to add something else to the offer to improve the perceived value.

My aim is sign up 100 businesses in 2017 and provide them with an excellent service and platform to help them hit the top 5% and be extremely successful. I just want to get the package right so it's a good fit for both my customers and me.

Thanks in advance.

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