lundi 23 janvier 2017

Marketing overhaul

Hello everyone, new here. I am involved in a family business. I am in charge of our marketing, which has been unchanged for years. Currently our main form of advertisement has been word of mouth, our company vehicles, a full page phone book ad and a website. Our marketing needs a major overhaul.

I have a few ideas, but could really use some guidance towards the best options. My ideas are the following.

Focus more on how our business is viewed as a whole, T-shirts and sweatshirts with our name and info for our employees to wear, have our fleet of vehicles match in color, lettering and layout in general. Keep our vehicles clean and presentable. Have an open dialogue with our employees on how to treat customers and how to handle situations that arise. Also have a more formal and professional approach with customers such as having business cards for our employees to hand out.

I want to downsize the phonebook ad due to the lack of use of phonebooks anymore. This is a tricky subject with the others involved and it looks like its going to end up being renewed for this year as a full page. I do want to update our ad at least since it looks very out dated and ad a coupon that we can track to see how much traffic is actually being generated by the ad.

I want to update our website to a more streamline and professional look. I want it to be optimized for searches.

I want to branch out into social media such as facebook and possibly twitter.

I want to possibly use adwords and paid facebook ads to target certain areas and keywords to direct traffic to our web site.

Thinking outside the box, possibly hosting or sponsoring an event that could get our name out in different ways.

Any thoughts, comments and feedback would greatly be appreciated. I am still learning everyday, and would really like to increase the amount of traffic our business gets.

Thanks in advance!

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