mardi 31 janvier 2017

Selling On Amazon Vs. Website Vs. Both

Hello children of the business world! I have a question for everyone here. Okay so this is what's going on: My grandmother is discontinuing operations of her clothing business and I'm taking it over. AKA I get to sell items in the same stores she sold in. I decided to make a clothing brand called American Filth, it's an ironic meme ridden brand. Of course this in no way appeals to 99.9% of the audience of SBF, but just pretend you're a teenager or a meme lord. I have multiple large social media accounts ready to heavily promote the brand, the problem is I need to find somewhere to sell the product. I'm buying the shirts and hats in bulk from a local clothing manufacturer.

Anyways, I'm thinking of getting the $29 a month Shopify and creating a website there and selling. However, Amazon also seems like a great option. Sure I don't make as much money, but there's more exposure and people will trust Amazon more than my website especially if it's new. I was thinking about making a static website where if you click on the item it brings you to Amazon then if the brand makes more money and is a bit more established then invest into Shopify or should I go straight for both?


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