dimanche 15 janvier 2017

What is a good profit margin for a new business with no customers (contracting)?

So I'm bidding on a contracts, mainly supply contracts.

I'm bidding on a supply contract of about 13 different workers safety materials (eyewear, hard hats, glasses, vest (various sizes, flashlights). Total of 300 individuals items of 13 types. Overall the total costs is around $5,200. I added roughly $5.00 to $10.00 to each item making the total costs around $7,500 for everything. Overall we are looking at only a $2000 profit for this. There are two factors I'm thinking.

1. As a new business I don't really have any established distributors or resellers I'm working with. So I'm hunting around for the cheapest buy. Yet my price may be a bit higher than larger companies that can get better pricing.

2. Given "Number 1", I'm trying to keep my profit low, yet I don't want to keep it too low to "be taken advantage of", what is a healthy number that will kinda be like "in the middle"?


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