mardi 24 janvier 2017

Unique Gov-Backed OP

Hey everyone! I'm involved in a business responsible for recovering unclaimed assets belonging to private individuals/corporations.

Currently, our attorneys are working on a matter to recover court-held funds owed to our client due to a recent foreclosure. Along the way, before courts able to release funds to us, they discovered an old 57k judgment that our client owes from several years ago.

The courts attempted to serve the judgment creditor to have old debt resolved, but weren't able to due to having the creditors incorrect address on file.

So what I did was approach the judgment creditor with an offer to settle the debt for 22k instead of the original principal balance of 57k, which they ending up accepting! That would leave 35k of potential profit on the table if the outstanding debt is settled on time before they find out of the monies our client is due. Creditor won't consider optioning the judgment to us, so that leaves us with the only viable option of paying off the settlement upfront.

However, we currently lack sufficient capital to do so and wondering if there any creative investors out there that would possibly be interested in taking a closer look at this to consider splitting profits 50/50 (17.5k each). This, of course, would all have to happen before the judgment creditor finds out about the monies owed to our client, otherwise, the full 57k judgment amount would be applied towards the 134k court-held funds.

If anyone feel this is something up their alley, pls feel free to PM for more details. Prefer solid members of the community with some form of proven track record of success -- NO BS.

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