jeudi 12 janvier 2017

Hello all, glad to have found this

Happy New Year to you all. My name is Eli and my brother and I own a company that manufactures our own products of all natural pest control products. The site is (formerly Rodent Defense). We have been around for about 4 years and have done very well selling our products on Amazon and other online sites. We are now looking to do two things... 1- We want to find area distributors in different areas around the States that we can wholesale to, and 2- We are very interested in buying other small businesses' manufactured products in bulk, put our own label on them and sell them online along with our other products. We have mastered the SEO and Marketing on Amazon and we feel like we want to start tackling other kinds of products. If anyone knows of a small business looking to grow and has good products in any field please send them my way! I am very glad to have found this site and hope to get to know a few of you.

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