samedi 28 janvier 2017


Just wanted to post my experience with Bigcommerce. I have been in business for over 17 years. Started with just a html site I created using paypal buttons to buy. Like 6 years ago I decided I needed a much better site for obvious reasons. Ended up with a local company who claimed they could match all my needs. They set the site up using nopcommerce which is a free open source cart. It cost me a lot of money and certainly the site was an improvement in most regards, but I was never able to get everything I was promised and my search rankings really tanked. After a few years with them I was experiencing bad hosting and they were unable to do upgrades so I moved to another guy who was pretty good for a while. He had much better hosting, but eventually he too failed to be able to do upgrades. So finally last year I decided it was time to move the site and decided on Bigcommerce. Has been the best thing I have done for my business. Sales were slow the first few months as my search rankings returned, but I ended the year with huge double digit growth. Every search word that I think is important is at least on the first page now and most are first. I now have access to every feature I want on my website either through standard features or apps which are easy to install. It is not cheap, but find it well worth the money. I'm no longer hounding people to try and get things done on my site. The hosting has been great and so has the customer service. I've had to be a bit creative to make the site do certain things, but it does everything I want. Just wanted to share my experience as there are probably many now thinking they need to move and wondering what to do.

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