dimanche 8 janvier 2017

State contracts that are written directly for a company that hasn't won it yet????

So here's the deal. I was perusing the state gov bid site and looking at some RFPs. I found an interesting contract for 30 Laptop Charging carts (chromebook), and 10 tall charging carts. These are simply sheet metal carts with wire racks used to hold and charge laptops. So the description of the RFP states the make/model of carts as an example. When I google those make/models it brings me to a small company that manufactures these carts for the schools in my state.

I naively contacted them in the later part of the day. I was connected to the President of the company. As I was talking to him I explained that I'm in need of some carts. He kinda chuckled and said, "This must be for the contract at XYZ". "We pretty much have that in the bag, we directly supply them". At that point I realized that the State put out a RFP and placed very specific information that targets one company. They do accept substitutions, but I realized even if I did find a cheaper cart they will likely go with this company since they have a relationship.

Seems kind fishing right? It was roughly a $45,000 contract. I could make maybe 5K out of it if I purchased everything from him at full price.

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