lundi 12 août 2013

Partner submitted false information to Minnesota Revenue

We were in business for a year, 4 of us equally holding 25% each. We have a document signed stating this is the case. We met regularly, each week to discuss business details. We had trouble paying our bills in the first year. In one meeting we voted 1/3 in favor of delaying payment of our sales taxes. When the business closed and everyone walked away, the balance with MN Rev remained outstanding. Logically, MN Rev assessed all of us personally by virtue of the signed partnership agreement I submitted to them. There were no ownership adjustments made throughout the duration of our business existence. About a year later, I could see one partner was no longer listed as and owner in our business profile with MN Rev. I called a MN Rev representative and asked her about that. I sensed that she seemed to think there was something underhanded going on with that. She insinuated enough for me to realize that the business partner, who now suddenly had no ownership in the business, had submitted documents prooving this. I requested a copy of those documents but was told they were confidential and could not be released to me.

The result of this was that everyone's wages but this partner's was garnished or a lien was placed on their property. This was her intent of course. I am not sure how to proceed since she did sign the dotted line stating profits and losses are the responsibility of owners according to theri shares.

How can I gain access to the documents submitted which reversed her ownership? and how badly is she breaking the law if she is lying in those documents.


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