samedi 31 août 2013

Joining an existing company restaurant

I need help!! I am a manager of a small but very successful family owned restaurant. There are currently 3 people who split the shares of the restaurant. They are split 70% 27% and 3%. The two people who are the 70 and 27 do not actually work at the restaurant anymore. They each only work about 10 hours a week and even then they only do little paperwork. They approached me and asked if I would be interested in opening another store since I have the cash to do so.

Instead of giving me some of their shares, they would just add more shares to the existing store and basically I would become a 10% owner of the corporation. Now here are my questions...

1. What determines what each one of us is paid since some of us work 90 hours a pay period compared to some who only work 10?

2. Does having more shares mean you get paid more?

3. Can the 70% person take anything he wants because he is majority or do all owners have to agree what each owner is paid?

I basically don't want to get screwed over by the current owners who already take a huge income from a store where I am literally doing all the work and the hours? Because if I became owner I do not agree to what the other owners are paying themselves for the small amount of hours they work.


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