dimanche 25 août 2013

Questions Before Starting a Niche Website?

Hello Forum:

I have an idea to start an online paid dating website based on a niche (Based on Religion).

I absolutely don't know anything about coding, web development or technicalities. So I would hire people to build and run the website.

I have a few questions in this regard:

*Does it go like this that when the site is new with a few members, the cost to run it will be relatively low. And when the members increase the cost to run the site also increase. But earnings also go up because of more members. I mean is it possible to recover one's total/partial cost and expenses as the site grow?


*The cost to run and maintain the site is fixed from the beginning, regardless of the number of members?

*Can anyone please educate me about the expenses? How much minimum capital should I have at hand?

*Also, even on a brand new dating site, they already have members. Where do these first members come from?

I shall be highly thankful for your valuable input and advice. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks a lot.

via Small-Business-Forum.net http://www.small-business-forum.net/starting-your-business/9503-questions-before-starting-niche-website.html

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