vendredi 7 février 2014

Product Pricing

Hello all! I apologize if this has been posted before, my search fu is weak.

I have a bag that I am importing from South korea. I know that it will sell because it will fill a very specific hole that exist. I just dont know how much it will sell for. I think by the time I have the bags in hand, Ill end up paying 175 (each). I need to see how much my target demographic will pay for them, so how do I do that? The people I would sell them to are fellow co-workers in my industry. If I try to sell them for 225 and they sell like hot cakes, then Im thinking they will sell for a more, so naturally, I would want to raise the price. However, what would I tell coworker Y that I sold coworker X a bag for a cheaper price? Conversely, if I start with a price that is to high and sell one or two, and then lower the price, what do I say to coworker A when he asks why I sold coworker B the same bag at a lower price? Any help would be great. Thanks.



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