samedi 8 février 2014

rowdy teens stealing/harrassing small business - more than one occassion. what to do?

hi everyone, i really need some help/advice.

i have a family member (i'll just call him John) who owns a mom/pop store. today, he said there was a group of male teens who came in and harassed him when he was alone in the store. we inspected the video footage and saw them being real rowdy -- a few of them seemed to steal items like candy bars (video quality is not too clear) and one teen even went into the cash register booth where John was. this guy put his arm around John's waist and pointed at the cash register machine while saying something (perhaps telling him to open the drawer?) but the sound quality is pretty bad. we think he may have been trying to move John out of the way to steal money but it didn't happen. thing is, John's not very fluent in English so he didn't phone the police. after touching the items in sight, laughing/yelling, and acting like total jerks, they finally left when they noticed a customer heading inside. we also noticed from the footage that there was a group of girls waiting outside for them.

it turns out that this group came a few other times when John's late-night shift employee was on the job. this employee never told us about it till we mentioned today's incident to him. this same group would do the same thing to him, as well. he didn't call the police either (even though he has no language issues like John).

we don't have the best CCTV system so the video is not even that high quality but we plan to take stills of the footage and blow the pictures up. we'll probably hang them on the doors and bring it to the police to file a report. however, i'm not sure what more the police can do. i know the police should've been notified each time at the moment of the incident but since we lost that window of opportunity, we'll have to go after getting the pictures printed at a pro photo shop because we have nothing else to show them.

what can we do to prevent this from happening next time? there's not much a person can do against a group of teens. we're afraid they'll return, and calling the cops at that moment isn't going to do much. they take forever to arrive.

we live in nyc so according to the law here, we cannot even arm ourselves. how can we defend ourselves and stop them from stealing? causing injury to another person even for self-defense reasons will not go well in this state/city. just call the police? if someone lays a hand on John again next time, what can he do? he's a much older, smaller guy than these teens...why are these kids so cruel? :(

please help. any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much!

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