jeudi 6 novembre 2014

Business partners issue

I own 33% of a small LLC business with other 2 people. In total we are 3 business partners (let's call us A, B and C where I am C). Our business (let's call it business X, a propery rental activity) is fairly profitable. My other partners (A and B) also own another business (let's call it business Y, a maintenance shop for lift trucks) with other people, in which I (C) am currently not involved. Basically I have no shares of business Y, which is not very profitable and having financial problems. I do not know for how long this business can last, being very poorly managed.

During a board of directors meeting of business X, my partners A and B propose that business X buys shares of business Y. In other words they want to move money from our good business X to the other weak business Y, leveraging the fact that they have the majority of votes in the business X board.

I myself, the poor partner C, do not agree with this decision, but I get screwed because I am minority and I am forced to accept this decision.

Is this legal? Can I file a lawsuit against the other partners?

If not legal, what is the name of this kind of illegal practice?


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