mardi 3 mars 2015

Blending IT with Marketing


My name is Grace and I am the owner of e-presence Consultants Inc where I provide integrated IT solutions for small businesses. I am located in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario - Canada.

In 2010 I wanted to expand my marketing opportunities for small businesses in the area, but I did not have enough resources to run a marketing campaign. So I started brain storming thinking of cost effective ways to market, and since I was in the integrated IT solutions business I thought what makes most sense is to build a social media network that will bring my target market to my doorsteps. That was the year when I create a free platform with marketing tools, and I opened it up for small business owners located in Ontario, Canada. Memberships grew to over 700 members, and in 2003 I thought it was time to increase activity on the platform. So again I did some brainstorming, thinking of ways to increase members activity and thats when I started running monthly networking events for the platform members.

After 1 1/2 years and 12 small business networking events, I realized its time to monetize the platform. 2015 was the year for monetization! I created a new Social Media Platform with more marketing feature that are member focused and I opened it up with 2 types of memberships. I kept the free membership, but I also added marketing features that were exclusive to paid members. And that is what I do today. I run a business that blends IT with marketing and I love what I do!

Happy to be part of your network

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