mercredi 13 mai 2015

Need a laugh? World News articles

Back in the 70s and 80s while checking out in line at the grocery store I used to get a laugh at the tabloids, "Boy Trapped In Refrigerator Eats Own Foot" or the "Bat boy Found In Cave" headlines. Earlier this morning I opened an email from a relative that had sent me a link to a story about a man fired and arrested for eating $30,000 in dog biscuits while on the job at Purina. Sadly this family member didn't know this is from a site carrying the torch for those old tabloids like Weekly World News and is a fake.

Thought some of you might get a laugh out of this, god knows I need one right now, one of my oldest friends is in the hospital having his leg removed today due to complications from his diabetes. Enough of that though, here are a few I cracked up at:


Barry Larson’s ex-girlfriend, Patricia Nelson, told a reporter from WKPN 23, that she was aware of his “addictions” to both cannabis and dog biscuits, and that she had actually left him when she had found out.

“Every night, he came back from work with a really horrible breath” she said with disgust.“It was not just a normal bad breath, it was really a foul stench that never left, even if he brushed his teeth or used mouthwash. One day, I came back from work earlier than usual, and surprised him with his mouth full of dog biscuits! I nearly threw up! I was so disgusted, that I packed my things and left. I didn’t know, however, that he was stealing the biscuits…”
Purina Employee Arrested for Stealing and Eating Over 30,000$ of Dog Biscuits World News Daily Report

Hillary had an affair with Yoko Ono in the 70s
Yoko Ono:

Trailer home carried 130 miles in a tornado, family trapped inside unharmed
Tornado Carries Mobile Home 130 Miles, Family inside Unharmed World News Daily Report

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