samedi 2 mai 2015

New to the Forum

Hey everyone

I figured I would jump right in and introduce myself and try to be helpful here, not just lurking in the background reading all your posts;)

My name is Tena, I am a freelance bookkeeper and Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor. I started my own company just under two years ago after having worked for varied industry and CPA firms over the years.

I, like most have a multiple goal, to be able to take care of myself in this world and to be of real help to others. I am a huge fan of clients having a working set of books, not just a set of books for tax purposes but one that they can and do use as a tool to make wise business decisions with. I do bookkeeping, work hard to help them maximize profits, reduce debt and build the future they hoped for when they started their companies.

I look forward to reading your posts and helping where I can or giving my insight where it seems helpful.

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