mercredi 13 mai 2015

Setting to force intro before making first post eslewhere.

I think this is a setting on V-Bulletin. That new members have to post in the introductions area ( or whatever you set it to) before posting elsewhere.

I'm noticing an increase in the number of drive by postings where the first post is "How do I solve this problem" and then they are gone.
Maybe it's not a big deal, but I don't think it's a bad thing to force a little decorum and an introduction when joining a community where you get free advice.

Besides, it's helpful to know something about the person and their business to even be able to answer thier question, and I think it will cut down the number of long first posts where they tell their entire life story before getting to the question because they didn't take the time to look around, see the intro section or read any of the forum rules.

What do you think?

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