vendredi 14 août 2015

Getting Out

I am a business partner in an S Corp Business in operation since the 1980s. In 2000 I was talking into becoming a business partner by the President of the company. Here are some of the details of the problems that exist and untimely I need to know what difficulties I would have in getting out of the partnership despite the possible liabilities that exist.


1. A second partner brought on after me strongly insisted that we receive profit sharing checks. After more than 2 years our accountant indicated that we not making a profit and that we had to transform the payments to us into a loan. To date I owe over $10,000 to the company.

2.The ill health of our accountant (The girlfriend of the President) has led to severe financial neglect. This has resulted in forced withdraws totaling over $20,0000 from our back account of several occasions since warnings by the state were ignored.

3. A distancing of the President from the day to day actives of the store. I only see him once a week at best and then only for 20 minutes at a time.

4. The downward spiral of the success of the business.

What difficulties would I have in getting out especially in light of the details set out in the issues above?

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