dimanche 30 août 2015

Question about the legality of a system that resembles a private lottery

I want to create an app that facilitates sales via a lottery-esque system, but with a few differences:

-"Tickets" to be submitted can be purchased, but users will also receive up to 4 tickets a day for free just by logging in.

-The winners will not be chosen randomly. Rather, the seller of the item/service will be able to view relevant information about each entrant and choose the winner. However, monetary incentives to choose each entrant will be also randomly assigned (for example, choosing Person A to be the winner may earn the seller 80% of money garnered from the sale, while choosing Person B may earn 90%). Obviously, there will also be natural incentives against choosing the highest monetary incentive (such as if that entrant doesn't seem safe to do business with or if they are located farther away). Those not chosen may also win some kind of award, such as a discount on future-purchased tickets that is applicable until they win one.

I understand that private lotteries are illegal, but would the system I've described satisfy the definition of "lottery" as it pertains to these laws?

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