mardi 18 août 2015

Starting out ..... help!!!

Hi everyone,

A quick brief:
I was a hairdresser and beauty therapist for 8 years before deciding I no longer wanted a minimum wage job and retrained as an accountant. I have now decided I want to go back to the career I was more suited too but I want my own salon.

I'm just wondering how people survived/lived with other financial responsibilities as well as the new business costs? I'm a single mum to two children and I'm pretty much debt free apart from my car finance but do have 2 credit cards free with a total of £4000 available to use if I need it on them. I have also applied for a business start up loan but it all seems a bit daunting at the minute. I'm just wondering how I'll pay my rent and buy food etc in the first few months that are bound to be hard.
Did anyone lese feel like this? How did you all manage?


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