mardi 18 août 2015

Sansumg announces Galaxy 6s Edge and Note 5. Meh.

I'm a big fan of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Best phone I've ever owned. Expandable memory and replaceable battery is a big reason for that.
With the new Note 5, both of those features are gone.

Sure it has a few new toys, and display advances but most of the changes are aesthetic more than functional. Therefore they've probably lost me on the upgrade. I'll probably go Nexus 6 now. If I can't get expandable memory may as well just go full Android without the fluff and bloatware.

For the price of phones these days I don't understand why featured device makers are taking away the features that people want in exchange for style.

Any other Note fans think that taking away these functions is a huge mistake to the loyal users who've been used to having this on every new iteration?
Samsung Made the World's Best Smartphone Display Even Better

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