lundi 31 août 2015

Hiring Employees vs. Funding Yourself


I've been in business for approx 10 years, almost 11.... the struggle that I've ran into is that our business is specialized. Most employees are seasonal, while a couple are salary full time..... A couple of the salary employees are falling short, not really showing enthusiasm, burning time, etc..... It's not as simple as letting them go because there aren't very many that participate with in the industry we are involved in. Right now, I handle the bookings, money transactions, etc but not very much of the field work. I net plenty enough money to work solely through the business only, but right now i work a part time job that provides medical benefits......

Sorry for the rambling...... So here's the question. Am I better off to be more involved within the business, quit my part time job, and take on even more responsibility with field work also, then purchasing medical insurance so I can micro manage a little more to make sure things get done more thorough with in the business or do I simply find someone else more suitable for the field work. I don't simply want to throw our money down the drain....

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